
Caring for our community’s health
The Hospital Authority (HA) is a statutory body established under the Hospital Authority Ordinance in 1990. We have been responsible for managing Hong Kong‘s public hospitals services since December 1991. We are accountable to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government through the Secretary for Health, who formulates overall health policies for Hong Kong and oversees the works of HA.
We manage 43 hospitals and institutions, 49 Specialist Out-patient Clinics (SOPCs), and 74 General Out-patient Clinics (GOPCs). As of 31 March 2022, we have a workforce of about 90,000 and over 30,000 beds.
In 2021/22, we recorded:Putting people first
1.76 million inpatient and day patient discharges;
1.84 million Accident and Emergency attendances;
7.96 million Specialist Outpatient (clinical) attendances;
2.93 million Allied Health (outpatient) attendances;
6.08 million primary care attendances; and
2.03 million community outreach visits.
Putting people first
The Hospital Authority is a “people-first” organisation. Our work is guided by our Vision, Mission, and Values. With the vision of helping people stay healthy, we contribute towards the fulfillment of the Hong Kong SAR Government’s policy “no one should be prevented, through lack of means, from obtaining adequate medical treatment”. To achieve this, we ensure that all members of the community have access to comprehensive, affordable, highly professional and people-centred preventative, curative and rehabilitation healthcare services.
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  • 852****2039 852****6542  免费看电话
  • 中国香港特别行政区九龙城区亚皆老街147B147B医院管理局大楼导航
  • 职位信息
  • 医生

    已结束 报名时间:2023.7.12-2023.8.11
  • 香港热门招聘单位


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