Overall purpose of the job
负责促进和保持企业良好的对外关系和正面形象,以提高企业声望;利用营销手段**程度的为公司创收并使市场分额**化;主动与客户建立关系,并积极拓展关系网,从而增加销售额。To promote andmaintain a good external relationship andpositive image of the company in order to enhance the reputation of the company; usemarketing methods to maximize the revenue forthe company andmaximize the market share. Actively build relationships with customers andexpandrelationships with customers in order to increase the revenue andbusiness transformation.
负责完成院长下达的销售指标。He/ she is responsible forthe completion of the director‘s occupancy rate index.
严格遵守集团的职业道德规范,尊重老人的隐私和尊严 ;给老人安全、舒适的生活;对老人的相关信息严格保密;始终遵守现行的法律法规和公司规定。He/ she must respect strictly Group’s professional ethic norms, to respect residents’ privacy anddignity, to ensure the providing of safe andcomfortable life to residents, to respect residents’ information confidentiality, andto respect government legislations andcompany regulations.
Main responsibilities
收益创造Revenue Creation
1) 对机构入住率负主要责任,促进成交,为机构创收;He/ she is mainly responsible forthe facility’s occupancy rate, the sales of Wellbeing card andrelated products, to promote the transaction as far as possible, to increase the revenue forthe facility.
2) 跟进接洽不同渠道来源的潜在客户,负责参观接待、后续跟进、入住手续、创造销售机会;每周书面汇报给销售经理及院长;Follow up with potential customers of phone calls andemail sources, createbusiness opportunities; Write report to the directorweekly (potential customers andrelated information, so that the directorcan make the next step decision)
3) 及时整理客户资料,对有意向但未成交的客户进行跟踪回访及记录;Regularly organize customer information, keep a return visit to customers with intent but not sign the contract yet.
4) 保持现有客户及其家属的联络,争取周边亲友业务;Maintain contact with existing clients andtheir families, andstrive forthe business of neighboring friends andrelatives.
5) 与潜在销售渠道(如保险公司、高夫球会、医院、企业等组织联络,获取潜在客户资源;并负责策划及组织销售活动、预算规划、现场接待、销售跟进Contact with the high-end driving club, golf, horse andother organizations, obtain potential customers resources.
服务产品塑造Service product creation
7) 了解机构内部的所有服务产品不仅限于机构的设施,设备,餐饮,医护,康乐…为潜在客户提供基础的康养知识及服务计划建议; Understandall service products inside the facility, not limited to the facility’s equipment, catering, health care, well-being... Provide basic knowledge andservice plan forpotential customers.
8) 学习并深刻理解参观路线,遵循参观线路并做好参观机构、介绍等接待工作;Learn andunderstanddeeply the visit course, follow it anddo a good job of visit, such as introduction andreception work.
9) 对当地的养老机构进行充分调研, 熟悉各养老机构的优、劣势。Make full research on the local nursing homes, andbe familiar with the strengths andweaknesses of these nursing homes.
10) 做好签约客户前期资料的整理搜集工作;Do a good job in the early information collection of the client’s data.
11) 对入住老人及其家属保持良好关系及联系;Maintain a good relationship andcommunication with the residents andtheir families.
12) 与机构内其他部门通力配合,如果发现问题及时向院长汇报,为提高服务质量而努力;Cooperate with the other departments of the facility, if find some problems, should report to the directortimely, andstrive to improve the quality of service.
Competencies required
1. 热爱销售岗位,富有爱心及耐心,有亲和力,具有服务意识及责任心。
2. 善于倾听、洞察客户需求,有较强的沟通表达能力及销售技巧。
3. 具备良好的客户服务意识,良好的营销策划能力;
4. 擅长团队合作,抗压能力强,结果导向。
Qualification andexperience required
1. 2年以上销售经验,有养老销售行业工作经验优先考虑;
2. 大专及以上学历,有护理、市场营销、医药相关专业者优先考虑
3. 有服务于高净值人群的行业优先考虑
吉宝置业作为推动实现可持续未来,重新定义城市空间的****者,积极响应世界各国关于人口老龄化的应对战略,近年开启在养老市场的前瞻性布局,致力于为城市家庭带来独具特色的都市养老机构。进入中国并择址核心城市的区域中心位置,定位**介护式养老机构。吉宝置业将其源于新加坡的国际质量管控体系引入养老业务,并开创性地引入 “老年综合疗愈生态”,为老年群体提供优越的生活环境、积极的社交生活和专业的健康照护服务,赋予老年生活全新生活质量和更多的可能性。吉宝置业将不断推动养老产业各项标准的建立与提高,致力打造全球****的**养老机构旗舰品牌。
Keppel Landas the leader of urban sustainable development, contributes actively to the development of aging society. Since 2022, Keppel Landhas strategically laid out the high-end institutional seniorliving market, committed to bringing more than traditional seniorliving centers institutions to Asian urban families, andentered China as the first market. Keppel Landchose the core geographical location of majorcities to setup high-end seniorliving institutions, andcreatively introduced the “elderly Comprehensive healing ecosystem“, providing a reassuring living environment, high-end social life, andthe world‘s leading health care services forthe elderly, helping the elderly improve their quality of life, communicate with society, andkeep pace with the times. Keppel Landhas introduced its Singapore excellence quality control system intothe seniorliving business andis committed to building the world‘s leading flagship brandof high-end seniorliving institutions.
1. 销售团队管理,机构高质量的潜客电话接听,定期抽查;负责访客接待安排,接待质量及后续跟进;定期分析访客数据,得出洞察并采取对应措施;定期结合销售数据和营销活动数据进行分析和汇报;
2. 负责中**目标客户群体的开发、跟踪、销售及维护;
3. 负责线下活动讲解,带领意向客户完成参观旅程、系统录入、报告分析;
4. 根据机构营销目标、产品特点规划营销活动策略,统筹宣传推广内容,制定营销计划;
5. 负责与营销代理机构的对接,拟定营销策划方案,明确机构策划、推广的目标,及时发现并解决可能存在的问题;
6. 对营销策划方案的运行进行跟踪和监督,并根据营销效果和数据分析提出优化建议;
7. 积极拓展相关行业战略伙伴,整合各种合作资源,提升机构在当地的品牌曝光度和口碑
8. 制订销售团队的业务培训计划,跟进培训效果;
9. 规律性更新竞争市场调研;
1. 本科及以上学历,市场营销相关专业;
2. 3年以上销售管理工作经验,熟悉养老行业优先考虑;
3. 拥有成功的渠道拓展案例及销售记录;
4. 具备较强的市场洞察、良好的管理和跨部门沟通协作能力;
5. 擅长数据分析和行动计划落地跟进;
6. 具备一定文字功底,可独立完成活动宣传材料撰写及推广