
1948年 501-2000人 三级
Yangpu District Central Hospital,Shanghai(also known as Yangpu Hospital)is a modern tertiary general hospital affiliated to Tongji University.The predecessor of the hospital,Shanghai No.2 Laborer Hospital,was founded in 1948.After nearly 70 years’of development,Yangpu ospital now provides a comprehensive medical treatment and care with professional knowledge and skills.It also cultivates talents through multi-level teaching and training as well as undertaking clinical
Yangpu District Central Hospital,Shanghai consists of four hospital areas distributed in the following locations:the main hospital(450 Tengyue Road),the Antu branch(200 East Yanji Road),the Zhongyuan branch(500 Kailu Road),and the department of infectious disease treatment(3 Songhujiang Road).The hospital carries out vertical management on each clinical and functional department for the overall development.As of now,Yangpu Hospital currently owns 1,012 authorized beds and has a complete installation of medical disciplines.These resources are scientifically distributed in different branches in order to meet the health care needs of local residents.
The hospital has nearly 1,800 staff working on different positions including medical treatment,teaching and training,scientific research,administration,and security assurance.They all very studious and responsible of their work and contribute to the development of the big family-Yangpu Hospital.
With efforts of several generations,the hospital has established a series of medical disciplines with high-level techniques and great reputations.
The Occupational Disease Department is a key clinical specialty at the national level.At the department,the Research Institutionof Occupational and Environmental Medicine of Tongji University Medicine School are established.The department has gained scientific research awards at national and provincial level,and it has great academic influences nationwide as a result of its intensive researches on pathogenesis and pneumoconiosis treatment,decompression sickness and heavy metal poisoning,the formulation of diagnosis standards of common occupational diseases,evaluation on occupational hazardous factors etc.As the training center for National Health Supervision,the Occupational Disease Department undertakes plenty of tasks on occupational diseases treatment and health supervision.
The Orthopedics Department is also a key clinical specialty in Shanghai.This department is traditionally skilled in comprehensive treatment of orthopedics for the elderly,the minimally invasive technology to treat lumbar diseases,treatment of joint diseases of hand,foot and knee.Meanwhile,the department has also taken up several national research projects and made many research achievements,among which the‘Basical and Clinical Research on Limbs Distal Pedicle Skin Flap’has won the second prize of the“Natural Science Awards for the 2004 Outstanding Achievements of Scientific Research of Colleges and Universities of Ministry of Education”.
In Shanghai,the medical key clinical specialty in the General Surgery Department’s expertise is minimally invasive treatment on colorectal cancer,sphincter preservation operation(caused by low rectal cancer),micro-traumatic intervention treatment on the benign and malignant obstruction of hepatic duct,the operative treatment on intractable constipation,weight reduction surgery on obesity caused by diabetes,and laparoscopic treatment on colic.Through the platform of the Research Institution of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Translational Medicine of Tongji University,the hospital has made researches on the prediction of the chemotherapeutic effect and the susceptibility of colorectal cancer.In the near future,results of the translational medicine research will help victims of colorectal cancer to make targeted choices on chemotherapy drugs,to control the treatment fee,and to lower side effects from chemotherapy drugs.
In order to comply with the nationwide medical reform to cultivate general practitioners,the hospital has taken on the crucial responsibility to establish the general medicine department and open relevant clinics and wards.In partnership with the University of Nebraska Medical Center of the United States and other domestic professional academic institutions,the hospital has formed an educational system of general medicine that is open to university students,residents who have received standardized training,general practitioners in the community and administrators health care at different levels(undergraduates,postgraduates and PhD students)of the community.
Ophthalmology department,consecutively awarded twice as a key medical disciplines in Yangpu district of Shanghai,encompasses several international advanced medical equipments.The department’s specialty is cataract ultrasonic emulsification combined IOL implantation,cornea related surgery,refractory glaucoma,laser treatment and surgery for vitreous retinal diseases,etc.Meanwhile,they carry on lots of scientific research especially in ocular surface disease and diabetic retinopathy,among which“the clinical research and application of small incision cataract extraction”was awardedthe medical science and technology achievement of Shanghai,etc.
The mission of Yangpu Hospital is to promote team work practice of medicine and carry out cooperative treatment to improve the utmost desirable clinical outcomes for patients.The hospital has greatly pushed forward the construction of MDT(Multidisciplinary Treatment)based on special diseases.By now,it has set up quite a few collaborative treatment centers for diseases including pelvic floor dysfunction,diabetes,geriatric hip fracture,breast disease,constipation,arthralgia,sleep apnea syndrome,neck shoulder pain or lumbocrural pain,thyroid nodule,postpartum rehabilitation,lung cancer,perimenopauseetc.These centers provide patients with the most suitable clinical treatment option through medical team diagnosis that integrates featured techniques.
Affiliated with Tongji University,the hospital is involved in the training and education of talents at different levels,such as undergraduates,postgraduates and PhD students of clinical medicine major.Moreover,it also undertakes the city’s standardized professional training of residents that specializes in internal medicine,surgery,gynaecology,medical imageology,general medicine,neurology,emergency medicine,anesthesiology and ophthalmology etc medical residency training program.
The hospital has also been engaged in research projects launched by the National Natural Science Foundation,the Health Ministry,the Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology,Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health andFamily Planning,and Yangpu District Commission of Health and Family Planning.It enhances the development of translational medicine research guided by clinical issues and the evidence-based medicine study aiming at scientifically reasonable diagnosis and treatment plans.The founding of translational medicine research center,the central laboratory and the sample library of biological tissues effectively strengthens the hospital’s ability for its subject development.
In the past 70 years,Shanghai Yangpu District Center Hospital(Yangpu Hospital affiliated to Tongji University)has been serving,developing for patients and social groups.The hospitalcarries out spirits of“Kindness,Honesty,Hardship,and Harmony”and the core values of“Responsibility,Care,and Love,”—successfully creating a high leveled and university affiliated hospital.Within the recent years,the medical center values“Quality,Uniqueness,Culture”as it circulates the main line of work.It builds a comprehensive quality management system,putting medical quality and patient safety as center core,fosters the characteristics of medical technology,builds a new era of hospital culture,and fully create trust from millions of residents in Shanghai.
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  • 上海市杨浦区腾越路450号导航
  • 职位信息
  • 财务科成本核算、基建科工程师、社工部科员、宣传科科员

    已结束 报名时间:2024.1.29-2024.2.2
  • 药剂科主任药师、妇产科副主任医师、医学检验科副主任技师、口腔科副主任医师

    已结束 报名时间:2023.10.16-2023.10.20
  • 心内科、消化内科、肾脏内科、血液病科、呼吸科、感染性疾病科、老年医学科、全科医学科、职业病科、普通外科、关节外科、神经外科、泌尿外科、麻醉科、妇产科、儿科、康复医学科、眼科、皮肤科、耳鼻咽喉头颈外科、护理、口腔科、急诊医学科、超声医学科、医学影像科、心功能室、药学部、病理、临床检验科、医院感染管理科、内科、神经内科、放射科、全科医学与社区卫生发展研究中心

    已结束 报名时间:2023.10.13-2023.11.12
  • 临床医师、护理、药师、康复医学科技师、检验技师、公卫医师、科学研究岗位

    已结束 报名时间:2023.7.3-2023.7.7
  • 康复医学科技师、护理、科学研究岗位

    已结束 报名时间:2022.8.15-2022.8.19
  • 上海市热门招聘单位


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